Aerospace Walkthroughs
See how to play our Aerospace games with our handy walkthrough videos
Vertical Farming Walkthroughs
Watch our walkthrough videos to find out how to play our Vertical Farming games
Home Energy Walkthrough
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Constructing an Aeroplane
Learn about the materials used to make vital parts of an aeroplane.
Discover MoreMaking Sustainable Fuel
Learn about different fuels and the importance of sustainability.
Discover MoreDesigning future aircraft
Learn about aircraft design and how to make an aircraft that is greener and more efficient
Discover MoreBuild your own Vertical Farm
We welcome teachers from across the UK to join us and be part
Discover MoreGrow your own Vertical Farm
Grow your own crops in the Vertical Farm and see how new technology can support more sustainable food production
Discover MoreMake your home energy efficient
Take the challenge and make your Minecraft home as energy efficient as possible
Discover MoreExplore Enspire City a greener world.
Discover the world of engineering within Enspire City and find out how engineering skills are solving the challenges that our society faces
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