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Find Case Studies from real Engineers and Organisations

We've worked with organisations and individuals across Engineering sectors to create case studies showing real Engineering solving problems from the world around us that will inspire students to become Engineers.

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Meet the Engineers

Bethany Hall GKN

Bethany Hall, Aerospace Engineer

Find out more about this award winning engineering, how should got into Aerospace Engineering and what she does every day.

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Farm urban image

Farm Urban, Vertical Farmers

Meet the engineers at farm urban, find out what they do every day, how they use technology and about the crops they grow too.

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Space Park Leicester logo

Space Park Leicester

Space Park Leicester the Engineer are working on many projects including the James Webb telescope. Meet some of these engineers and find out what they do.

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Ian Godfrey

Ian Godfrey, Marine Engineer

Find out more about Ian Godfrey who has worked in Marine Engineering for over 20 years, find out how he got into Engineering and what he does every day.

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Roxane Heaton

Dr Roxane Heaton, Data and Software Engineer

Find out more about Dr Roxane Heaton who has worked in many Data and Software Engineering roles, find out how she got into Engineering and what she does every day.

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wind turbine

Alfie and Emily, Renewable Energy Engineers

Find out more about Alfie Wisdom and Emily Summers who work in sustainable Energy production using Wind Turbines in the Ocean to make Energy, find out how they got into Engineering and what they do every day.

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Enrico Varano

Enrico Varano, Airplanes to Brainwaves

Find out more about Enrico Varano who has worked in the Aerospace sector and now looks at how our brains work to improve software interactions, find out how he got into Engineering and what he does every day.

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Ebony Stephenson, mechanical engineer

Ebony Stephenson, Construction Engineer

Find out more about Ebony Stephenson who works in Construction Engineering as a Mechanical Engineer, find out how she got into Engineering and what she does every day.

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Ayo Sokale

Ayo Sokale, Civil Engineer

Meet Ayo Sokale, Chartered Civil Engineer at the Environment Agency working on flood defences and protecting our working and living spaces from Environmental issues.

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CooperÖstland, Engineering Energy Solutions

Find out more about CooperÖstland and how they are producing energy solutions for their customers that make business and manufacturing more efficient and sustainable.

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Olivia Rose, Getzero

Olivia Rose, Getzero

Meet Olivia Rose from Getzero who explains what energy has to do with the climate crisis and how engineers can help. A short description for this game.

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Lina Drodz

Lina Drodz

Meet Lina who would like to tell you about her job working in green energy and how she became an engineer.

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Enspire City - a new way to introduce young people to Engineering

Featuring a range of activities designed to show students Engineering careers and pathways, including:

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  • 1Case Studies from real Engineers telling you in their own words about what they do and why they love Engineering
  • 2Job descriptions showing the transferable skills that Engineers need and the school subjects that support their knowledge and activities
  • 3Problems that real Engineers face and are trying to solve that will make our society more sustainable and future thinking
  • 4Information about how to become an Engineer, the education routes that are available and examples of Engineers who followed them